I’m sure you made it to Ways To Increase Meekness Part 2 from Part 1. Thank you for reading and I’m glad you made it! 

You’ll notice that Part 1 consisted of conversation-specific advice. In Part 2 I’ve broadened out a bit to include some overall lifestyle choices and a few very practical tips. Stick around to the end because there’s a BONUS point!

If you have a friend who this reminds you of, who is just a shining example of meekness, send it her way and say “God bless you for your example of this to me!”

Now, let’s jump right in.

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5 Ways To Increase Meekness

1. Mind your voice

Think tone, volume, how shrill, etc. 

Of course, context matters. If you are in a house packed full of people having a grand ol’ time, you can get away with talking a lot louder and really having a good time.  This doesn’t work so well in most coffee shops, or bookstores, for example.

Can you think of someone who has a sweet, glossy, beautiful way of speaking? Imagine someone you could listen to all day and night because it is so soothing. Compare it in your mind now to a celebrity you probably wish you had never heard of. Not the same, right?!

It takes practice, but over time you can ease into a sweeter way of speaking.

2. Mind your face

This includes your “resting face” and facial reactions.

You can’t really change how your face naturally looks, but if you know that you look miserable when you feel neutral, it’s going to push people away or give the impression that you are very unpleasant. It might help to rest with a slight smile or slightly raised eyebrows.

Imagine pushing your cart through a grocery store and saying “excuse me” around someone. How will they react if you look miserable? They will think you’re upset at them and perceive your words as much more rude or aggressive. If you look more bright, they’re more likely to say, “Sure! No problem.”

As for your facial reactions, keep in mind all that you are saying with your face when you listen to people. It can make you seem overly dramatic, unapproachable, silly, or immature.  Jesus said that the heart is revealed by what comes out of us, and that includes your face (don’t forget your eyebrows!). Self control as a fruit of the Spirit includes… your face! 

3. Do not be easily provoked

There will always be trials, big and small, every single day of our lives. Meek people are not easily overcome by hair trigger responses to every single thing. A passage I cling to in order to calm my emotions and maintain cool, meek responses is 2 Corinthians 4:8-10.

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.”

Hang this one up! Memorize it. Sing it in a song with your children. Learn to let everything roll off your back and right on to Jesus. He can handle it – and much better than we can.

4. Surround yourself with examples

We are the sum of the handful of people we spend the most time with.

With anything in life that you wish to improve, the more time you spend with people who excel in that, the more opportunity you have to do so as well.

Notice I said ‘opportunity’. 

Not everything just rubs off. Take time to consciously notice the meek qualities and habits of people you look up to. Make yourself a plan for specifically when you can practice them. Maybe it’s each time you go to a certain place or see certain people. The important part is to be intentional, not passively hoping you will become more like them. 

5. Be happy for others

Nothing gets the focus off of yourself and onto others quite like “I’m SO happy for you!” It’s a caring and humble sentiment that everyone enjoys hearing. 

Since humility and meekness go hand in hand, it’s worth adding to your conversations more. I also think it just sounds better than, “Cool/awesome/sweet etc”.  It actually attaches focus onto the other person straight from your heart since you’re saying how you feel as opposed to what you’re thinking (that something is cool/awesome).

This tip has moved mountains for me as the Lord has grown (and is still growing) empathy and compassion in me which has directly translated into more meekness.

BONUS point!

I couldn’t let you go without this one – it’s the most important!

6. Pray for meekness

Yes, pray for it! Ask God to make you more meek.
1 John 5:12-15 says

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him”

God wants you to be more Christlike, He wants you to take Jesus’ yoke upon you. He will not leave you out to dry on this prayer. He may supernaturally change you suddenly or slowly over time. Or, you may need to do a bit more participation, but either way, He is your strength to live according to His will.  The first step is to want it – then ask for it! 

In Closing

Is meekness something you have been asking the Lord to help you with?  Keep seeking, keep asking, don’t give up. It’s a worthy cause! Not only does it bless our earthly relationships, it is sure to help us commune better with the Lord.  And that is an eternal investment that won’t fade away. 

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Matthew 6:19-21

Meekness is an investment that will never fade away when we work on it to draw closer to God and glorify Him more.

Which tip was your favorite?? Let me know in the comments here or say Hi on Instagram!

Grace & Peace,


1 Comment

  1. Reply


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