Mother’s Day 2021 Homemaker’s Gift Guide


Mother’s Day 2021 is coming again! 

Did it sneak up on you this year like it did me? Again?! I’m just glad it’s not the first weekend of the month!  

This year Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 9. Mother’s Day began in the early 1900’s by Anna Jarvis who had lost her mother a few years prior. The first official celebration was backed by Philadelphia store owner John Wanamaker. Festivities were held all over the United States in his stores, with a special ceremony being held at a Methodist church in West Virginia.

Since then, Mother’s Day has been celebrated at a National Holiday on the second Sunday of May. While some decry how commercial it has become, it’s a fun day to do a little something extra for the mother figures in your life. 

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverb 31:28

Long before mothers had a national holiday, God set them as the keepers of the home. They nourish and comfort all who live there and visit. Homemaking is a hard job! But the home is perfectly designed with care by God to be a woman’s domain

They all have unique skills and giftings that make each other their homes special.
Let’s look at the homemaker’s gift guide and consider 6 types of moms that may be in your life.


6 Types of Moms In Your Life


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Expecting Mom (and moms of children in heaven)

I remember the shock and joy I felt when I was 6 months pregnant (after two long years of waiting) with my first baby on Mother’s Day and someone said the first “Happy Mother’s Day!” to me. Expectant moms are mothering from the day they get pregnant (sometimes before if they have really been preparing). It takes a lot of physical, mental, and emotional work. Show them that you’re thinking of them already with some of these ideas and don’t forget to set up meals and household help for the first 8 weeks or so after baby comes.

Essential reading about the birth process from a traditional midwife

Timeless essential reading from a doctor’s perspective

Must-have breastfeeding training

A nursing mom’s must-have

Lactation-enhancing tea

Sitz herbs for after delivery

Baby doesn’t need much more than onesies!

The only baby booties/socks that will stay on

Other moms don’t enjoy Mother’s Day because they have lost their babies/children. They don’t appear to be mothers to onlookers, although they very much are. A mother’s heart does not go anywhere when a child does. Here are some things that friends sent me after we lost a child. They really warm my heart to this day. If you know their child’s name, be sure to include it. 

Custom memorial jewelry

Custom digital art



Organized Mom

Backpack? Check! Water bottles? Check! Snacks? Check! First aid kit? Check! Sunglasses? Check!
Extra pair of clothing for everyone? Check! 

This is how your super-organized mom leaves the house …. For ANY outing. I believe it’s a super power. She gets scoffers, eye rolles, and sideways glances often, but everyone knows where to go when they are in a pinch – to her!
Let her know that you appreciate her special skill.

Homeschooling is messy
without a plan! 

A well-run home usually has a desk or office area

For when the mail just has to wait a little.. but not in the mailbox

What’s for dinner, mom??

                    Organized AND labeled 


Crunchy Mom

Whether your crunchy mom is new to the club or not, she is passionate, that’s for sure. She may love reducing, reusing, and recycling, and she does not fail to notice that she saves money while she’s at it.  She relies on items that have been used for generations without fail. Here are a few ideas: 

clickable etsy image of blue and white floursack cloth napkin on a white plate and white background

A crucnhy mom’s best friend

Save trees and chemicals
with natural fibers

Revolutionize your diet mindset from what not to eat to what TO fuel
your body with

Goodbye, plastic! Was
not nice knowing you

Healthy food at killer prices delivered right to her door

Cloth diapers’ best friend
(and barf too… yuck)


Green Thumb Mom

Plant moms LOVE taking care of plants almost as much as their own children – after all, they don’t talk back and their grocery bill is miniscule. Plants liven up a home and some even cleanse the air! Help her make her home a bit cozier this spring.

It’s not plant heaven without some hanging pots

Every plant mom’s arch nemesis is forgetting to feed the plants

Caring for houseplants 101

clickable etsy image of custom name white notepad with houseplants in top left and bottom right corner

Customizable plant stationery to share the plant love

Grow a lot of fresh food in just a little amount of space

Stay cool in the sun while gardening outside


Foodie Mom

Some mom’s days revolve around waking and sleeping, or the school schedule. But the foodie mom centers her days on mealtime. Basically every part of the day is either prepping for a meal, making a meal, or cleaning up from a meal. Then she thinks about enjoying the next meal. And she truly enjoys it! Food is a love language to her.

The world’s most versatile kitchen tool

Feed the family how humans have eaten for thousands of year to achieve and maintain optimal health

A gripping read about food

Real food for real busy cooks

Another versatile kitchen item, silicone mats are great for making and shaping baked goods as well as heat protection and more

Browse Groupon and other local resources for cooking classes in your area


Moms with no kids at home

Eventually the kids grow up, but you never stop being their mother. When mom graduates to empty-nester or grandma, she’s still an important part of the family. She has built a legacy and there is much to appreciate about her. Memories have been made and prayerfully there are still many more to make. I just couldn’t leave grandma out of the homemaker’s gift guide, even if she isn’t hosting family dinner every night of the week anymore.

Tech-savvy grandma will enjoy digital photos of the family

Pass down memories and wisdom in a beautiful book

Grandma’s house needs a few baby things to make visiting a snap

Melt her heart with a custom story book 

Sometimes it’s grandma who needs to be babysat


Thanks for checking out the Mother’s Day 2021 Homemaker’s Gift Guide!


Whether it’s mom-to-be, grandma, aunt, or another special woman in your life, she has given so much. Maybe this year she doesn’t need any physical gifts. Quality time and handmade cards are just as special, sometimes moreso!  What is her favorite pastime?  Try to do that together. Whatever you end up doing, give her an extra hug, too.

Grace and Peace, Louise

May 14, 2021