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Christian Femininity Blog

A Christian Femininity Blog

It’s fun to be a woman! You will laugh, cry, be encouraged, and inspired by this Christian femininity blog. It’s a Titus 2 ministry that teaches what it means to love your husband and children, and grow as a lovely woman of God.

Femininity has been lost

First, if you are anything like me, you were raised in a feminist world, even if it was not overt. You were told women and men are the same. “Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.” Lastly, focus on a career and don’t look for a husband or think about being a mother.

The world programmed you with confusing ideas about your appearance being everything. But, also that it’s wrong to spend time on your appearance because it shouldn’t matter to anyone.

Perhaps you were told not to worry about relationships and find yourself married without a lick of advice on how to make it work.

Deep down, you know that there must be a way to be a mom that isn’t at her wits end all. the. time. You desire a home filled with peace.

Therefore, you are on the hunt. Good for you just for getting started!

It’s never to late to learn

Be encouraged! Learn the wisdom that God has for us in His Word.  He can renew and restore anything the world has polluted. It’s never to late!

Marriages get restored through learning traditional Biblical femininity! Women are finding peace and contentment, and families are whole and thriving.  Certainly, whether you are a teen looking for purpose, a young wife wanting to lay a solid foundation for decades of marriage, or an older woman wishing to learn wisdom to pass on to the young, this Christian femininity blog is for you.


You are not alone

Finally, if you are struggling, I’m sure you feel alone. You are not alone. Many women have been where you are and they have risen from the ashes. There is a quiet community of women who know the truth you are looking for.

Ask yourself what you have to lose by trusting God’s Word.

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