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As gender roles fade away, godly femininity is becoming something that has to be actively learned. No longer can you grow up through life and become feminine by osmosis. The wisdom is still here, it just has to be uncovered a bit.

Women have not changed

Despite what some voices tell you, women have not changed. Humanity has not progresses or evolved past its need for feminine woman.  Society still needs health families. Healthy families still need feminine women.

Women still thrive on being protected and provided for. They still need people and homes to nurture and pour into. Many ladies will tell you that once they learned this, their burdens became immensely lighter.

What is godly femininity?

It’s finding the balance between being lovely and seeking too much attention. Between modesty and being frumpy.  Between enjoying marital intimacy as designed by God, and believing lies that it’s either too shameful to enjoy or needs to be displayed for all to see.

Godly feminine women are joyful, content, and peaceful in their roles. They aren’t constantly overwhelmed or self-absorbed. Lastly, they are NOT “Miss Independent Strong By Herself”.  Feminine women fit comfortably into marriage and family life at any stage and are confident in their calling from the Heavenly Father.

God wants this for you

Do not believe the lie that some women are just more cut out for this life than others. If it’s in God’s Word, it’s His plan for you. There are some things you just don’t have to pray about. Becoming a feminine woman is one of them

That’s where this blog comes in as your Titus 2 mentor. This chapter instructs women to teach the younger that need help. It’s not really optional.  Truly, where God’s will leads, He makes the way. He gives the strength for the journey He calls us to. So, don’t fear and don’t delay!

Dressing Modestly: A Discussion

“Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.” Joseph Addison Dressing modestly is one of the most popular topics for Christians to talk about. It falls anywhere between highly regarded as the most important virtue for women to being seen as unnecessary legalism. Dressing modesty often gets touted for preserving purity…

Biblical Femininity Introduction

“Femininity” is starting to become somewhat of an internet buzzword these days. It’s a fashion mood. It’s an identity.  Some see it as opposed to feminism, some people are feminine AND feminist.  And now men can be feminine, too.   Is feminine something you either are or aren’t? Can you develop this? Is it something nurtured…

Ways To Increase Meekness Part 2

I’m sure you made it to Ways To Increase Meekness Part 2 from Part 1. Thank you for reading and I’m glad you made it!  You’ll notice that Part 1 consisted of conversation-specific advice. In Part 2 I’ve broadened out a bit to include some overall lifestyle choices and a few very practical tips. Stick…

Three Ways To Increase Meekness

Three ways to increase meekness, that’s it? Wow, sounds so easy.  It’s not easy, but it’s a worthy endeavor nonetheless. In this post, I’m sharing from my personal experience with lacking meekness.  It hindered my relationships and left me feeling empty. I sought to be the center of attention and couldn’t pass up an opportunity…