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Christian Femininity in a Feminist World

Christian Femininity in a Feminist World

It’s no secret that feminism is much more popular than traditional gender roles these days. But what does the Bible say about Christian femininity in a feminist world?


God’s Word is Clear

Women are wonderfully and beautifully created to fit into God’s design for society, marriage, family, and His kingdom.  Women are valuable and necessary and irreplaceable!  We are not less than men, we have a very important role and calling.


That being said, it’s important that we understand how to grow and thrive in this calling.  Thankfully, we have heaps of wisdom in the Bible!  There are special passages just for us ladies so that we don’t have to wander through life wondering how to make the most of it.


The World is Confusion

It’s the same lie from the beginning -“Did God really say? … Knowledge is enlightenment.” The world is trying to tell us these days that humanity has progressed beyond tradition, beyond the necessity for gender roles as they have always been.  Yet, this doesn’t produce the happiness and satisfaction being sought.


Truth and Tradition Remain

There is still a yearning in women’s hearts to be loved, cherished, protected,  and provided for. Women still long to care for their husband and children and not have the burden of “doing it all”.   But with all the poor advice out there, women are frustrated and don’t know where to turn.  They are surrounded by failing marriages and chaotic families and want better.

Turn to God’s Word  – it’s all there if we will just read it with out own eyes and take it by faith. God’s ways are best. His truth is from everlasting and will be for everlasting.

You will find peace and overflowing joy when you trust God’s wisdom for Christian femininity in a feminist world.

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