Understandably controversial as Satan seeks to undermine and destroy marriage, one of the only institutions God gave mankind before the fall, Created To Be His Helpmeet displays just how seriously Christian women should take their role as wives because the Word of God makes it that serious.

Years ago, a friend gifted me a copy of Created to be His Helpmeet. I admire her beautiful marriage and family.  So, I quickly read the prequel Preparing to Be A Help Meet because I was already engaged and wanted to get to the “real stuff” about marriage. I had no idea what I was in for. Having been raised in a nominal Christian home without a proper example of what marriage (much less Biblical marriage) should be, this book was water to my dry and thirsty soul.


Created to Be His Helpmeet is written by Debi Pearl, the wife of Michael Pearl of No Greater Joy Ministries. She compiled decades of feminine and wifely advice in 2004 and updated the book for its 10 year anniversary in 2014. Debi also created The Help Meet’s Journey: A yearly companion journal (published 2007) to go alongside Created

It’s evident that Debi knows that godly wives come from godly women because she teaches you how to be both! The book is in two parts, Part 1 – The Help Meet and Part 2 – Titus 2, covering all the bases. 

Debi’s writing is matter of fact, which can rub funnily on younger audiences that are used to what I call “blog culture” writing that is over-stuffed with compliments, apologies, exceptions and “this is just ME”. The truth is the truth. God has commanded women to teach it and that’s just what Debi is doing.   It’s clear, though, that she is a fun-loving lady who doesn’t let the hardships of life get her down. I’d love to spend even one day with her! 

Unlike any other book I have ever read on womanhood or marriage (and I have read many!), Debi manages to fit every single scripture about marriage and being a wife between the covers. Every verse of Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 is combed through, as well as the pertinent verses from Genesis, Peter, Colossians, Corinthians, and more. 

She answers your nagging questions about submission. When do you not submit? Debi describes respecting and supporting your husband so he can flourish in his role. To round it out, there are tons of tips on how to let the fruit of the spirit fill and flow out of you. 

Conveniently, each chapter ends with a reflection page that distills the main takeaways.

[Did you know Debi’s book inspired another book from a blogger I look up to? Check it out here.]

What kind of man do you have?

A defining feature that I have not seen elsewhere so concisely is how Debi groups men into three general personality types.  It’s not exhaustive and of course your man can and should grow and change over the years, but it’s a helpful tool for you to get into the male mind a bit. It’s just enough info to help us ladies out without us obsessing over how they SHOULD be so we can FIX them. (Trust me, that’s a no-no.)

Finally, there’s a section written by her husband Michael. It’s clear that Debi wrote the book under the encouragement, guidance, and authority of her husband which displays exactly what she is teaching.  She appears to truly be walking the walk, not just talking the talk. 

Best Features of Created to be His Helpmeet

+ Scriptural. Based on scripture that is written right out for you to see – you don’t even have to look it up. No scripture is left behind that speaks about women or marriage.

+ Thorough. I have not read a more thorough book on this subject.

+ Matter of fact/no fluff. Not a book you read quickly and still feel hungry afterwards. It’s jam-packed!

+ Convicting. I don’t usually read books more than once, but I keep going through this book! I get convicted about something every single time because it is so full of God’s Word.

+ Fruitful. Debbie has had a beautiful marriage for decades, her children have grown up to follow the Lord without taking a detour to Prodigal-land, and they also have beautiful marriages (from what you can tell of folks over the internet).  This is the kind of woman worth learning from. I also have many friends from varying backgrounds that have gleaned from the wisdom in this book and they also have this fruit in their lives. It goes to show that the truth remains, no matter what makes us individuals in the body of Christ. 


I honestly have almost nothing to pick out as a drawback of this book so let’s have some fun.

– WARNING: You WILL feel convicted.

– NOT FOR KIDS: You will end up having lots of sex with your husband and it might just tire you (or him) out.

– This might make lots of beautiful babies to cherish and raise.

– NEWSFLASH: You will learn that you do NOT wear the pants in your marriage (those pants aren’t comfy anyway).

– EXPENSIVE: You’ll probably end up buying ten copies of this book as you give one to every friend you know.


In Closing

Were you raised in a godly home with an example of biblical marriage? Do you know what the Bible actually says about how to be a godly woman and wife?  Do you have people in your life that encourage you to reject the lies from Satan that women should be in charge or that marriage is about “mutual submission”? 

No matter what, this book will be a great addition to your life!  It’s so rare these days to find folks that actually take what the Bible says about women and marriage seriously. When you do, cling to it hard. Grab a copy here from Amazon or check the Pearls’ website. They regularly have bundle deals with the journal and/or Preparing to be a Help Meet or other materials.

“Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that had brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a marriage so good and so fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracle.”

Debi pearl

Grace and Peace,

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